Our Story
We believe there can be a simplicity to the way we do our faith and be influential in the community and neighborhoods we live. And this method does not demand that it is connected to paid staff or trendy movement, it requires a lifestyle. This lifestyle is focused on digging in to relationships that you can cultivate in a small group and the relationships you can build through serving your neighbors. It is a lifestyle that is focused on doing the small things in order to build a platform to share the gospel and challenge believers to grow. Would you like to join us in our endeavor?

Acts of Friendship has been a part of our church for four years. To be honest, I am blown away at the ministry and its ability to reach people. This ministry assimilates a variety of passions and abilities with spiritual gifts while leaning into discipleship and evangelism to give clients a complete service. It addresses both a physical and a spiritual need while allowing the Body of Christ to serve within the community. Dave Taylor has done an incredible job leading, training, coaching and overseeing this ministry. I strongly want to encourage you to consider Acts of Friendship in your church.
Pastor Kenny White, Friendship Church, Shakopee, Minnesota

Fulfilling Physical Needs
People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care. In a world where many in our own communities are hurting and struggling, there are many opportunities for the body of Christ to come together and serve those who may have a physical need. In return, these acts of service create open doorways to share the gospel with those who may not know Jesus and pray with them, have fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ, and invite others to come and walk with us as we grow in our relationship with Jesus.

…But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.
Mark 10:43-45

I hesitate to ask for help because people might look down on me. I did not feel this way with Acts of Friendship. It was a privilege for them to serve me. They also connected me with a mentor.
Acts of Friendship Recipient

Sharing the Gospel
We are passionate about sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus came to seek and save the lost, and we want to be ambassadors of this Good News. We desire that all would know who Jesus is, what He has done, and how to have life to the fullest through Him. The gospel, in simple terms, is trusting that Jesus did enough to allow us to have a relationship with God through His life, death, and resurrection. It is trusting that He lived a perfect life, died to take the punishment that we deserve, and rose again three days later to offer us new life. When we put our faith, our confidence, in what Jesus did on our behalf, we are adopted into the family of God as His children.
Now, how can we share this good news with others?

I attended church for 18 years but did not really know Jesus. A friend shared the gospel with me. This changed my life. I now share the gospel with others and serve as a project leader for Acts of Friendship. I am currently being discipled one-on-one and I am also mentoring a recipient of Acts of Friendship.
Acts of Friendship Project Leader
Disciples Making Disciples
God's Plan A for how He works in this world is through the local body of believers. He works through circles. The circle we believe in most is the one where we have a small group gathering to be together, encourage one another in their walk with God, and leverage their unique gifts and abilities to impact their neighborhood. The unique challenge we present is to have the vision to multiply the small group. But when a group is challenged to multiply, they are required to be involved in the lives of their friends and neighbors who do not know Christ so they can join the group. They are also directed to equip each other in leadership since the new group will have new leaders. This vision can be daunting and can be uncomfortable, but when we think of the impact we can have by being willing to step outside our comfort zone, we love the idea of being on mission with God.

How We Partner:

We Are Here to Help
If you would like to know more about the details of how we do our ministry and how it can be done in your neighborhood or church we would love to hear from you! We do not want to merely add to the noise of programs in your life or church. We want serving, sharing the gospel, and discipleship to become the lifestyle of your life and church. We want to partner with you to accomplish this so please reach out and we would love to interact with you and your unique background and environment.